The Legal & Ethical responsibilities for a copywriter
Upon glance, the poster implies that there can be no correlation between a pear and a female's body shape.It is a copywriter's moral responsibility to understand the power of words. Therefore, the copywriter should understand how copy can be interpreted in multiple ways.
In this scenario, you could say that the copywriter comes across as misogynistic, criticises body shape (fat shame) and sets a standard for women. This is a strong example of invoking sexism and shows a lack of cultural awareness. Amplifying the idea that women need to fill up to society's (men's) norms.
The advert does not take into consideration that some may have a disability, preventing them from doing things, such as exercise. The copywriter also doesn't evaluate the other genders' shapes. Therefore, it is not a fair representation.
Like-minded pupils such as young minority groups (children) could take this phrase literally. This could imply the idea that they need to be thin. Likewise, if you are from an older minority group. The noun 'girl' could be deemed offensive as not all women still have young characteristics. Demonstrating a lack of connotation awareness.
What the copywriters have done correctly is:
- Adhered to the legal constraints, not stating specific individuals. In this scenario, it is very broad. However, defimates those obese, justified by the imperative word 'no' over a pear.
-Adhered to the ethical constraints
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