The purpose of copywriting in different media contexts

Advertisement sector

What's the true definition of advertising in copywriting?

An advertising copywriter is a critical element in the advertising industry. It is the initial part to promote products and services. The skills needed to carry this out are a good understanding of legal requirements related to copyrighting and to see and use key terminology before publishing media.

This advert from Heinz has given the impression that Heinz's chillies are as hot as a flame. It is effective in emphasising that Heinz produces HOT products.  

The phrase displays the word "NO" in all CAPS emphasising there's no other ketchup company out there that could pull off such an independent taste. The font colour contrast with the white and red ambience of the poster. Symbolising the hidden meaning of passion, attraction and simplicity. 

Notice how the ketchup is shaped in a chilli. A clever method of embracing the chilli element of the product. 

The KFC scenario 
This advert portrays the flaws of the major brand KFC in a positive light. It enlights the problem they had in 2018. Where chicken was in shortage. By altering the KFC logo to resemble a word of offence. People can be humourised. Covering and enlightening the problem that occurred. 

The statement comes across as genuine. Ensuring that their fan base is pleased. Aiming to continue sales as normal. 

This has been approached to resurrect the brand from its mistakes. It was a success. Increasing sales and customers to record high levels all because a popular brand rearranged the lettering in their logo to resemble a swear word.

The word cough in brackets references from a real conversation. It Is effective in portraying its ambiguous meaning. A close friend. (girlfriend). Topics that get controversial is an example of excellent copywriting. 

This advert would have likely been on a billboard. Therefore, keeping it short is essential, with the short time drivers have. 

The colour, yellow is commonly associated with spontaneity. Something that this advert certainly does. 
Nike, have used an image that demonstrates hope, optimism, and self-belief. This is justified by the athlete Colin Kaepernick who lives by these 3 principles. 

In 1958, the Ad executive David Ogilvy's boasted about how the engine would be quite than an electric clock.  

The vintage advert additionally includes a body, packed with information and emotion. Convincing one's self to buy such a relation of it's time. 

This is an exceptional piece of advertising copy because it offers something that no other vehicle had at the time. It was the profoundness of a quiet car at great speeds. 

It is with my assumption that the copywriter approached this with a degree of praise. So that Royals Roce could become a leading competitor in the car industry. 

Presumably, the skills needed to create this advert were to use simple vocabulary that was convincing enough to spark the interest of the upper class. This can be identified by the words, 'new', 'best' and 'magic'. 

What is an Advertising Copy Writer? • What are the skills needed of a copywriter in the advertising industry? • Explain the approaches to the job of each of the copywriters. • What makes a successful advertising copy?


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